Thursday, August 21, 2008

Quick project note . . .

Hi everyone, I just wanted to show you a commission project I am finishing up. This project was commissioned by a regular customer of mine. She wanted a mirror for the bathroom just off the pool. For inspiration, I used a piece I did a couple of years ago - Flow Blue.

The water reference is obvious, except I didn't know that it was going to be off the pool. The only information I had was that it was going to be in a bathroom and the bathroom was going to have a blue and green glass tile border. It was just one of those divine things that led me to choose Flow Blue as my inspiration. So, we decided to use a variety of glass tile and gradate the color from blue to green and dark to light.

Here is the mirror before grout. I just finished it yesterday and am really pleased with how it turned out. I will be doing a gradated grout too. I will show you when it is done.

Where's Henry?

In the weeks between my shows in Wisconsin and Illinoise during this summer's Big Aventure, I had the pleasure of staying in Appleton with my brother, his wife and their one year old, Henry! Here are Neil, Henry and Sarah while in Chicago this summer.

My sister-in-law, Sarah, totally spoiled me and I got to spend lots of time with Henry. "Where's Henry?" is a game that we would play each morning during Henry's play time before his morning nap.

We also took a trip to the beach with Henry's cousins and Henry had his first experience with the BIG bath tub! And Henry and I got a chance to play some more too.

I might be biased, but I think Henry is the best little kid in the world! After having the opportunity to spend two weeks in Appleton, I really miss him!

Friday, August 15, 2008

Madness at Madison

So, on July 11, I loaded up my life and headed off to Madison, WI. This was the beginning of my big adventure. I headed off to Madison and wasn't coming home again for two weeks. In that time I would be doing three shows and staying with my brother and his family in Appleton, WI during the weeks in between. This was the first time I had ever done three (much less five) shows in a row. This was the first time I had been away from my husband for more than four days since we were married. And this was the first time I had lived with my "baby" brother since he was ten years old, and now he has a child of his own. It was going to be a big adventure.

After five hours of driving into a head wind (and a full tank of gas) I arrived in Madison. Just in time to drop my suitcase at the hotel and head to the square for set-up. After about a 15 minute wait I got in to set-up my tent and displays at about 8:00 pm that night. It is always nice to do the dirty, sweaty, hard labor of setting up a tent and display the night before a show so that we can be clean and fresh for customers in the morning. That night we set-up having been told that a big storm was coming through after midnight. I can only speak for myself, but I was willing to take my chances because I couldn't imagine getting completely set-up by the time the show opened the next day.

Now, there are several different types of tents artists use, mine being an EZ-Up and one of the lesser expensive brands. Over the years I had had several different displays, some good, some bad, some easy to work with, some not so easy. So, I had developed my system to both display my product but also hold down my tent. So, that night when the glass artist two doors down asked "So, is your EZ-Up going to survive the storm tonight?" I answered with confidence "yes, I think I have it pretty figured out."

So, the next morning when I arrived at the show at about 6:00 am, to hang my work, I wasn't too surprised when I walked about half the show and saw a tent or two down. But when I rounded the corner on to my street, nothing could have prepared me for what I saw. First, I saw a couple of bent tent frames, but as I walked closer, I realized that there were more than a couple and that they weren't just bent, they were leveled. With my mouth wide open, I walked onto the scene of total destruction. By this time the show organizers had "cleared the street" and had piled all the bent, broken, destroyed tents, displays and stuff onto one side of the street, but from what we were told later it looked like a war zone, stuff strewn all over.

I then turned to look where my tent had been standing and there it was, still standing all by its lonesome almost as I had left it the night before. All totalled nine tent - seven across the street from me and two next to me, including the glass artist from the night before, were destroyed in that storm. The windward side of my tent was pushed back onto the curb about a foot, but it had survived. I was amazed.

Here are pictures of what I arrived to that morning.

These are the two tents next to mine, the one on the right is mine.

This is what was left of the five tents across from me.

Looking down my side of the street, my tent is in the middle.
The people behind me, with the green van, didn't set up until that morning.

Looking down the street at the destruction across from me.
The little dome in the front was filled with high end sculpture. Luckily they were all still packaged and nothing was lost.

This is how far the one side of my tent was blown back.

So, I survived two big storms this season - first the big hail storm at Edina and then Madison. I have to say it makes you think every time you see a rain cloud or the wind starts to blow.

In the end Madison was a good show. As always the crowds were endless and I met my goal. Sunday night I was one of the last dozen or so artists to get packed up. A homeless guy named Thomas helped me get my "3D Mosaic" put together and I headed off to Appleton. More stories later.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Where has the summer gone?

I can't believe tomorrow is August 15. The ultimate sign that summer is almost gone is the start of the Minnesota State Fair and that is next week. I just can't believe how the time has flown by. I suppose I was a little distracted.

As my last post reported, I was embarking on a series of four shows in a row - Art on the Square in Madison, WI, Mid-summers Arts Festival at the Kohler Arts Center in Sheboygan, WI, The Geneva Art Fair in Geneva, IL, and Powderhorn Park Art Festival in Minneapolis. And as fate would have it, I got invited to the Morning Glory Festival in Milwaukee, WI making it five shows in a row. And I had promised all kinds of interesting commentary along the way. Well, once again, I a dumbfounded as to how quickly this past six weeks have gone.

However, it has been an adventure and perhaps telling you all about it will help me process it too. So, fasten your seat belts and hold on tight . . . well maybe it won't be that action packed, but it will definitely give you insight into the life of a traveling artist.

Until tomorrow . . .

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

The Big Adventure

So sorry that I have neglected my blogging. It has been a very busy spring and I have been feverishly preparing for a very busy summer show schedule. If you ever wondered what it is like to be a traveling salesman, I am about to tell you all about it. Well, maybe not exactly the life of a traveling salesman, but that of an artist on the road. The BIG Adventure began last Friday, July 11 as I set out for two full weeks on the road and three shows in three weeks. Both, traveling for two weeks and doing three shows in a row, are new endeavors for me. So, I decided I would journal my journey and share with you any insights I might gain.

My adventure began with the packing. I can't show you pictures of the van coming together because that happened late Thursday night. I am a bit of a perfectionist when it comes to packing. Everything has to have a place and has to be in its place. My husband and I often disagree on how to get everything into the van. Or maybe more accurately, I disagree with his approach. However, I am the one who needs everything in that van and need to know where it is, so it gets done MY way :)

The Van:

This includes all my product, my display and everything I need to do a show, work for the next two weeks, and my personal gear! The only sacrifice were my tables and the sink, just not enough room. Again this is all a new endeavor, so we will see what works.

My adventure has taken me to Art on the Square in Madison, WI last weekend, July 12 & 13. And will be taking me to Mid-Summer Arts Festival at the Kohler Institute in Sheboygan, WI and the Geneva Fine Arts Fair in Geneva, IL. During the week I am staying with my brother and his family (pictures to come) and friends.

My next entries will include picture and stories of my adventure and some of my newest pieces. Stay tuned!

Monday, February 11, 2008

Next Project(s)

Earlier this year I started a "series." Well, I completed the first piece in what I planned to be a series. As always, my work is inspired by the dishes. Well, last fall I found a bunch of black and white dishes and my mind began to race with ideas. Here is the first piece, which was accepted into the International Mosaic Show coinciding with the Society of American Mosaic Artists annual conference in Miami.
"Break in the Day"

This week I got started on the other project in the series.

Seeing it yet?

How about now?
Check back for their progress . . .

Your Response, please

"Little Changes"

"Let It Be"

Monday, January 28, 2008

Mission Accomplished!

Designed, built, installed and grouted! Here are the final pics.

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Friday, January 25, 2008

The Moment We Have All Been Waiting For . . .

I know I missed a couple of steps, but yesterday I began the process of installing. It has been a long, hard process and major learning experience. Hopefully, I will get a chance to tell you about it when it is done. Tomorrow I go back to finish all kinds of details - pieces that weren't fitting or need adjusting, pieces that fell off in the process, grinding sharp edges and peeling the tape off the Karma tiles. The Sunday we (the installer, Cathy and I) will go back to grout. Hopefully, we will be able to finish it on Sunday. Here are the latest pics showing the process.

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Starting to Get Exciting!

Here it is! This is really exciting for several reasons. I don't have a table large enough to to hold the entire project. For that last several days I have been working on individual parts of the project and haven't been able to see the how the project is coming together. Here are some pics to catch you up.

Getting the right side ready to mosaic.

As it comes together . . .

As started working on the lower portion of the box that comes forward with the hearth, I wanted to make sure everything was aligned. So, I shifted the panel I was working on and lined it up with the front panel. Seeing it like this, it all started coming together for me and I started to get excited.

Now I need to move on to the left side!